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Shipping & Returns



You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We will also pay the return postage costs if the return is a result of an error on our part (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). We will process a refund once we have received your package and if it is necessary, have inspected it.


If you need to return an item, please contact us at with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond with instructions of how to return the product(s).



The carrier we use to dispatch orders is Royal Mail. The services we currently offer are Royal Mail 24 and Royal Mail 48 which are labelled Express Delivery and Standard Delivery, respectively. As a rough guide, orders dispatched using the Express Delivery service will arrive in 1-2 working days, the Standard Delivery service we estimate to take between 2-5 working days.


On occasion we will use a different carrier, if this is the case you will be made aware and tracking details will be provided.


For issues with the carrier outside of our control, we ask the customer for their patience, however If you feel the delivery time for your order has far surpassed the timescale quoted and you believe it to be missing, please contact us via telephone or email at 01629 812620 or and we will try to pinpoint the issue or process a refund/organise a replacement.